Sponsorship Conditions & Rules

Last update : November 2022

The sponsorship action is a temporary and limited program that offers each user of the ObyO App the possibility of sharing their unique code and becoming the sponsor of the first 20 people who will use their unique code when selling their respective smartphone. This person (known as the Godchild) will in turn also be able to generate their new Unique Code to share it and become the godfather of the first 2 people around them who will use their unique code when selling their respective smartphones.

This Unique code must be communicated to its owner (the Sponsor) by e-mail.

When, thanks to this introduction, the godson becomes a customer by selling a device to ObyO, both (godfather and godson) receive a bonus of €5.

About the sponsor

To become a sponsor, the ObyO user or customer must generate their Unique Sponsorship Code from the ObyO application. After generating it, it can be shared on your network to be activated a maximum of 20 times.

The sponsor will then receive a bank payment of €5 for each referral who activates his Unique Sponsorship Code, until the maximum cumulative value of €100 is reached.

After the first activation of the code, the sponsor (ObyO user or customer) will receive a personal e-mail to send his information for the payment(s) to be received.

About the godson

To become a referral, the ObyO user must receive a unique referral code from a sponsor.

Anyone with a sponsorship code can activate it to receive an additional €5 bonus at the cost of taking back their smartphone.

Referral codes are unique and not cumulative.

The contractual value will only be remitted to the extent that the conditions below are met. Participation in the action signifies approval of these rules.